by peak2staging | Nov 23, 2020 | dietary supplements, Health, Protein, Supplements, Vitamins
Just because you have a full belly and you’re ready for a post-dinner nap doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve broken your diet. In fact, there are many ways to have a healthier Thanksgiving dinner. In general, a traditional Thanksgiving meal isn’t...
by peak2staging | Oct 15, 2020 | dietary supplements, Health, Supplements, Vitamins
Vitamins support various vital systems within our bodies, and they are most effective when we take them with intention. Wide-spread multivitamin manufacturing has been highly valuable to men, women, and children of all ages for this very reason. An all-around approach...
by peak2staging | Sep 30, 2020 | dietary supplements, Health, Supplements
Mapping your genome has become as easy as swabbing your mouth and sending your spit in the mail. A few weeks later, you can find your results online, giving you insight into your predisposition toward certain diseases, your ancestry, and your likelihood of being...
by peak2staging | Aug 31, 2020 | dietary supplements, Supplements, Vitamins
The headline says it all. When it comes to essential nutrients, such as vitamin D, vitamin E, fiber, iron, and calcium, most children ages 1 to 3 just aren’t getting enough. In many cases, parents are doing their best to introduce a wholesome diet to their children,...
by peak2staging | Jul 31, 2020 | dietary supplements, Vitamins
As we gear up to get back to school in August, you might be wondering what nutritional approach would be most beneficial to support brain function and ensure a strong start to the new school year. It turns out the candy teachers give before a test doesn’t...
by peak2staging | Jul 20, 2020 | dietary supplements, Health, Supplements
It’s official! Millennials are having kids. Whatever your opinion of Generation Y, aka millennials, there is no denying that people born between 1981 and 1996 bring their own zest to every aspect of life. Now, they are having kids, and they’re bringing their own...