In a word, yes! But there is more to it than that. Whole foods of different colors provide us with different vitamins and minerals and affect our bodies in a variety of ways. That’s why it’s recommended to “eat the rainbow” but adding a little of each color to your diet. This ensures your body gets a variety of nutrients from several unique sources. The more foods from the rainbow you fit into your day, the better you’ll feel and the smoother your body will function. Here are a few key colors to keep in mind:


When you think of healthy foods, you probably think of leafy greens before anything else. It’s true that green foods are a boon to your nutritional health, but there is more to them than meets the eye. From avocados to kiwis to broccoli, green foods are packed with vitamin K, antioxidants, and calcium. They are great for bone health and can even help prevent cancer-causing agents from affecting the body.


It’s not just the orange fruit that’s packed with vitamin C. Most orange and yellow foods contain immune-boosting C vitamins to keep you feeling great. In fact, orange foods are the most common natural contributors in more immunity supplements and are a go-to for many nutraceutical manufacturers. They’re also known to help increase blood flow, reducing the risk of stroke.


Blue and purple foods have similar benefits, ranging from anti-aging to lowering blood pressure. In particular, purple foods like eggplants, onions, and radishes contain anthocyanins. This little antioxidant packs a big punch and can help protect cells from damage, rejuvenating them. It’s also been shown to help reduce the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease.


Apples, tomatoes, chili peppers, and all other bright red foods contain two antioxidants called lycopene and ellagic acid. They reduce free radicals in the body, helping to prevent cancers and lower the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. Be sure to pack that apple for lunch to ensure your body is getting the nutrition it needs.